

Acts 2:1-4 

In Acts 1:4-8 the witnesses felt alone and unsure.  

Jesus told them to go to Jerusalem and wait for the gift of God.

What happened to them on the day of Pentecost? 
Tongues like fire. They spoke under the power of the Holy Spirit and people understood them in their own language. 

It is important to note: that was not what they were looking for. They were waiting on power!

John had predicted this in Matthew 3:11.

Jesus had told them about this day.
John 14:15-18

John 14:25-26

John 16:7-8

The Holy Spirit is going to be with us always.
The Holy Spirit is our Helper on this earth.
The Holy Spirit will teach us all things we need to know.
The Holy Spirit will bring to our remembrance things we have been taught.
The Holy Spirit convicts.

Jesus told them they would not be orphans.

The Holy Spirit is with us to help us.

Galatians 5:22-23

The Holy Spirit transforms us as we allow Him to do His work.

You are not alone. The presence of God is with you.
Do you need power?

As you go through your day and face challenges, invite the Spirit of God to guide your life.
The Word of God tells us how in Ephesians 5:15-21.

Be filled” is an active term.

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