
The Search For Happiness

Matthew 5:1-5

Are you happy?  What rules your heart or your being?

What does Jesus say about happiness and what makes a person happy?

Makarios means happy, fortunate, or blissful. 

This is a state of being or contentment not based on circumstances.

Whatever we read or study, we will always find the true answer in the Word of God.

Matthew 5:1-5 – These verses and the next seven verses are known as the Beatitudes. This title comes from the Latin word beatus, which means blessed or happy; more than temporary, but a state of well-being.

Blessed becomes a foundation to our lives.

The Sermon on the Mount lays out the laws of God’s kingdom. In other words, this is how God’s kingdom works.

Man sees a way to happiness and contentment, but it is birthed in mankind’s brokenness.

Jesus says, “Happy, content, blessed with an abiding presence of God is the man who is poor in spirit.”

Jesus says the path to a blessed and happy life begins here. That is, the recognition of our poverty of Spirit.

What does Jesus offer to the poor in Spirit? The kingdom of God.

His offer reveals how the kingdom of God works and how a relationship with God happens.

As long as the idea of happiness is sought in seeking fame, power, pleasure, or wealth, we will, at some point, reject the true answers in the laws of God’s kingdom.

The word poor means destitute, afflicted, and lacking.

When we see this in our spirit, our nature, our thoughts, or our desires, we can find the kingdom or rules of God as our hope. This will open us to the sustaining presence of God.

We don’t lust for things or hold onto them at the cost of all else.

Jesus invites us to surrender the corrupt and walk in the riches of God.

Romans 1:16

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