


John 3:16 

This is certainly the most well-known verse in the Bible. This verse is part of one of the most famous passages in the Bible, the discussion between Jesus and Nicodemus.

John 3:1-7 
Jesus says, “You must be born again.”

This passage is one that makes us shudder: James 2:17-19 

Real faith has works, as a result of faith

John 3:17-21 

Matthew 7:18-23 
A healthy tree cannot bear bad fruit, nor can a diseased tree bear good fruit

They prophesied in Jesus’ name.
They cast out demons in Jesus’ name.
They did mighty works in Jesus’ name.

Jesus will tell them to depart. Why? 
They are workers of lawlessness.

They have continued to break the moral law of God

The real believer has been born again. His faith will result in a change of action

Are you still working lawlessness?
Galatians 5:18-21 

Let’s look at how we can know we are born again. 
Matthew 5:2-6 

Poor in Spirit
Seeing Jesus as the son of God shatters our self-image

The real born again experience begins with an awareness of what theologians call total depravity.

It means I’ve got nothing to offer Jesus. 

This is the startling revelation that makes new birth in Christ possible.

I have no moral compass.  

To be born again, I have to see the poverty of my spirit. The total hopelessness of my cause.

The natural response is mourning

“Blessed are the meek
This is spiritual meekness or humility. 

Spiritual meekness is an awareness of my total dependence on God. 

Hunger and Thirst for Righteousness 
A born again spirit hungers and thirsts to do the right thing. 

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